Jobsite Spanish Game: Can you cut this?

Jobsite Spanish Game "Can you cut this?"
In this quick interactive online game, you'll learn and practice 10 basic words and phrases, and how they are used in a short jobsite conversation between builder and worker.
Note: at a jobsite, you would often use the familiar form of address. 
Seeing the words and phrases, hearing them spoken naturally, and saying them are three different things. 
So, to use Spanish on your job, you have to practice all three skills.

  • puedes - you can (familiar)
  • cortar - to cut
  • esto (n) - this
  • cuánto - how much
  • de largo - long, of length
  • que sea - make it (literally: that it be)
  • sesenta y dos y media - sixty-two and a half, 62 1/2
  • pulgadas (f) - inches 
  • por favor - please
  • bueno - OK, fine, good

More than a Spanish Language Game

If you like our various Spanish games, you can practice Spanish - also online and completely for Free - with our 36-Scene story "David en España" by just logging in, or registering HERE. 
You can find more resources for learning and practicing Spanish on FREELANGUAGE.ORG.
Our FREE Spanish 1 course will let you learn and practice Spanish playfully - with a travel-story of a young man in Spain and easy games.

Jobsite Spanish: Hello Goodbye etc.

Jobsite Spanish Language Game: 10 Basic Expressions
In this quick interactive online game you'll learn and practice 10 Words and Phrases that are useful in any situation.

  • Hola - Hello
  • Buenos Días - Good morning
  • Por favor - Please
  • Gracias - Thank you
  • De nada - You're welcome
  • Buenas tardes - Good afternoon
  • ¿Qué tal? - How are things?
  • Momento - Just a moment
  • Lo siento - I'm sorry
  • Adiós - Goodbye

If you have any specific jobsite Spanish terms or vocabulary terms in mind, just drop us a note to 
We'll add them to our dictionary and create games with them so you can practice saying and recognizing them.

Jobsite Spanish: Tools 1

obsite Spanish language game: "Tools". 
In "Tools 1" you'll learn and practice the Spanish for 8 different tools/items used in construction.

  • herramienta (f) - tool
  • caja de herramientas (f) - tool box
  • sierra circular (f) - circular saw
  • cinta metro (f) - tape measure
  • cuchillo multiuso (m) - utility knife
  • carretilla (f) - wheel barrel
  • máscara para el polvo (f) - dust mask
  • pistola para calafatear (f) - caulk gun

Click on the link to play jobsite Spanish Materials 1.
If you'd like us to add any specific jobsite Spanish vocabulary or terms, just drop us a note to

Jobsite Spanish Game: Materials 1

Jobsite Spanish Game: "Materials 1".
The idea for this game came from our architect son, who was trying to communicate with Spanish-speakers at a construction site.
Clearly, these are only a few of the terms that architects, contractors and workers are using.
In this quick interactive online game you'll learn and practice 8 basic terms for materials used at a jobsite.

  • tierra (f) - soil, earth
  • madera (f) - wood
  • acero (m) - steel
  • concreto (m) - concrete
  • hierro (m) - iron
  • tablón (m) - plank, board
  • madera laminada (f) - plywood
  • acero de refuerzo (m) - rebar (reinforcing bar)

To also play Jobsite Spanish Tools 1 click on the link.
If you'd like us to add any specific jobsite Spanish vocabulary or terms, just drop us a note to